O.L. Smith Middle School

NJHS Updates and Happenings

Represented Smith at the Care to the Core Rally on Nov 3rd….Read on……

Our NJHS students showcased the spirit of community service at the Festival of Trees at the Ford and Performing Arts. They hosted, provided information to visitors, worked the cash register, and strolled the beautiful festival. Although the students are required to volunteer a minimum number of hours monthly, “when you enjoy what you are doing,” it feels really good.  Students have been busy with great service projects including:

Organized a Thanksgiving drive which and had food and hygiene items delivered to families on Nov 22nd and will continue a drive through December 23rd. Please feel free to drop off canned, non-perishables, paper products, or hygiene items. If you have an unused small appliance sitting around collecting dust, we would be happy to give it a new home. items can be dropped off in the counseling office.


Organized the Leukemia Foundation with a Pennies for Pasta drive. Thanks to all the students and families, Smith raised over $800.00 for research. Ms. Bruno’s class raised the most and will be getting a special treat soon!!!

Will be making lunches for the homeless along with the PTSA on December 23 which will be distributed by PTSA.

December 23, the NJHS member will be “playing a visit” to a senior member of the Smith community member on a field trip to play festive music to a dear resident who served our country. If you would like to join us, please contact Dr. Elder for more information. Parent chaperones are appreciated.

The Smith Lost & Found committee will be placing all lost clothing, lunch bags, books, jackets, shoes, etc on a table beginning today for pickup. If you are missing an item, please stop into the atrium and browse. We would love to turn your investment back over to you

Smith is represented well thanks to families who instill goodwill and unselfish service toward the development of our students.  Stay tuned for more updates!



