O.L. Smith Middle School
Daily Announcements
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
1) Student Athletes: To help eliminate confusion for your parents, please ask them
to pick you up after your sports tryouts or practice from the parking lot off Notre Dame
which is closest to the gym (Door #13). Having a central pick-up location will alleviate your parents from worrying and trying to locate you. Thank you!
2) The afternoon custodial staff has asked that all student athletes refrain from returning
to their hall locker after practice. Please take all items you will need (homework, etc)
to your practice or gym locker so that you don’t have to return to you hall locker as the
gate near the gym will be closed. Thank you!
3) Open House is Wednesday, Sept. 12th from 6pm-7:30pm. Parents and
students are encouraged to attend. It’s the perfect time for parents to meet
the teachers and hear about the curriculum being taught.
(Teachers will not be meeting one on one with parents at this time. Parents may
schedule an individual appointment to meet with teachers via email.)
4) Friday, Sept. 14th – ½ day. Dismissal at 11:05.
5) Wednesday, Sept. 19th – Late Start. Students report to school
at 8:50am. If you ride the bus, you will report to your regular stop one hour
later than your normal time.
6) Congratulations to the following Smith student athletes for making the 2018-2019 Football/Basketball Cheer Squad. Thank you to all the students who tried out for Cheerleading. Please click on the link below to open the Cheerleading list.
2018-2019 Football and Basketball Cheerleaders for Smith M.S.