O.L. Smith Teacher Sets Sail on Shark Survey
Stephen Kade, an art teacher at O.L. Smith Middle School in Dearborn, Michigan, set sail on July 26, to assist scientists on a 16-day Shark/Red Snapper Longline Survey off the southeastern United States. Kade participated in this cruise as part of NOAA’s Teacher at Sea program, which bridges science and education through real-world research experiences.
“Through my experience with NOAA, my students will not only be able to learn first-hand about exciting research projects and conservation efforts at sea, they will be witnesses to them, and on some level, participants in them,” says Kade. “Making their learning relevant through my own hands-on experiences is vital to getting students excited about science and conservation fields. Creating Advertising Posters to bring awareness to endangered animals will also show them how art can be used to bring awareness to an issue and is a change agent in helping to save animals and the environment.”
Kade boarded NOAA Ship Oregon II in Pascagoula, MS, and worked with scientists daily as they conducted a survey of shark and red snapper populations along the coast between Florida and North Carolina. Kade wrote a blog detailing his experience—photos from the blog are free and available for use by media with proper credit.
“NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program gives teachers the professional opportunity of a lifetime with a chance to participate in cutting edge science, on the ocean, working side-by-side with world-renowned scientists,” says Jennifer Hammond, the program’s director. “Teachers describe this authentic research experience as transformative and one that allows them to bring new knowledge and excitement back to their classrooms.”
Now in its 28th year, the program has provided nearly 750 teachers the opportunity to gain first-hand experience participating in science at sea. This year, NOAA received applications from nearly 300 teachers, and chose 35 to participate in research cruises. These educators are able to enrich their curricula with the depth of understanding they gain by living and working side-by-side with scientists studying the marine environment.
NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook and Twitter.
For more information please copy and paste the URL links below to your browser:
NOAA Office of the Coast Survey: https://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/
NOAA Teacher at Sea Homepage: https://teacheratsea.noaa.gov/
Stephen Kade’s blog: https://teacheratsea.noaa.gov/#/2018/Stephen*Kade/blogs