O.L. Smith Middle School

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

O.L. Smith Middle School
Daily Announcements
Wednesday, September 12, 2018


1) Do you like animals? There is a new club starting that will take place after
school on Wednesdays called: Purrs and Puppies Animal Rescue Club
(a Charity club for animals). If you are interested in joining please sign up in
Room 32 (Mr. Trerice’s room) during lunch, before or after school. Our first
meeting will take place Wednesday, September 19th right after school in
room 32! Help us save, Let’s be Brave!

2) Open House is Today, Sept. 12th from 6pm-7:30pm. Parents and students are
encouraged to attend. This year we will be having an “open format” event which will
allow parents to freely move from one classroom to another without the need for a
regimented bell schedule. Hope you can attend!

3) Friday, Sept. 14th – ½ day. Dismissal at 11:05.

4) Wednesday, Sept. 19th – Late Start. Students report to school at 8:50am. If you ride
the bus, you will report to your regular stop one hour later than your normal time.

5) The Vikings Drama Club will have their first meeting September 20th from 3:05pm to
4: 30pm. Any student interested in joining the club should attend this first informational meeting in the auditorium.

6) The 7th Annual Robert Cipriano Memorial Cross Country Run will be held on Monday,
October 15th at Ford Field Park in Dearborn. The two-mile run for middle schoolers will start at 4:00 for girls, and 4:25 for boys. There is a $3 charge and a permission slip must be turned in. If you are interested in participating, please see your Physical Education teacher for an entrance form no later than October 10th.

7) Smith Family Roller Skating and Ice Cream Social will take place on Tuesday,
September 18th from 6-8pm at the Lincoln Park Skating Center. Admission is
$8 and includes roller skate rental and an ice cream sundae! There is an
additional charge for in-line skate rental. Please contact Jennifer Fisher with any
questions at jenn4relay@yahoo.com or 313-595-8567. Parent who are dropping
of their child(ren) but not staying for the event, must arrive no later than 7:45pm to pick
them up. Thank you!