O.L. Smith Middle School

Friday, September 21, 2018

O.L. Smith Middle School
Daily Announcements
Friday, September 21, 2018

1) Attention 8th grade students: There will be an informational meeting in the auditorium
on Tuesday, September 25th from 5:30-6pm for 8th grade parents only regarding the
upcoming Washington DC trip. Please ask your parents to attend.

2) Smith parents are invited to attend a parent meeting, Sept. 26th at 6:45pm in the
Auditorium to discuss topics that include PTSA, Grade Committees, Fundraising and Events. All Smith parents are encouraged to attend.

3) Attention 7th & 8th grade students: If you have a passion for service to your
community, you can pick up the NJHS application packet available now outside the
Counseling office or on the Smith website. Deadline to apply is Wednesday, October
11th at 3pm. See Dr. Elder for additional information.

4) Dearborn Public Schools has selected specific Smith families to receive the
CEP survey (Community Eligibility Provision) – not all students will receive a survey.
The CEP survey replaces the need for all families to fill out the free lunch application.
Families who receive the CEP survey are asked to fill it out completely, sign and return it
to the main office by October 1st. This survey will assist the district in compiling data
essential to receiving other State and Federal funds

5) All 7th grade students applying to participate in the religious diversity journey should
return their application to Dr. Elder today. A video of the experience is
located on the Smith website and can be shared with your families. Applications to
participate are still available outside the counseling office for those students who are
interested.Six students will be selected to attend this amazing worldly journey.

6) Dentists-R-Us will be coming to Smith M.S. on Wednesday, October 10th to provide dental
services for students at a reduced rate or free of charge. If more than 35 students
participate in the program there will be a drawing for an Android tablet. Students must
return permission slip to the main no later than Friday, Sept. 28th.

7) Students who recently received an emergency card from their A2 teacher,
please have your parents/guardians update the required information, and
return the emergency form to the Main Office as soon as possible.
Thank you!

8) Student Council Elections will be held on September 28th. Any student
who wants to create and display a campaign poster must turn the poster
in to Mr. Radcliffe today.

9) Picture day for students participating in a fall sport will be Thursday,
September, 27th starting at 3:00pm. Student athletes will receive a picture
envelope from their Coach and info about picture location. A few sport
picture envelopes are available in the main office. Email Ms. Sisty at
sistye@dearbornschools.org for additional information.

10) The 7th Annual Robert Cipriano Memorial Cross Country Run will be held on Monday,
October 15th at Ford Field Park in Dearborn. The two-mile run for middle schoolers will start at 4:00 for girls, and 4:25 for boys. There is a $3 charge and a permission slip must be turned in. If you are interested in participating, please see your Physical Education teacher for an entrance form no later than October 10th.