O.L. Smith Middle School

Smith PTSA information for the 2018-2019 school year

Hello Viking Families!

We want to share with you some exciting news – we will indeed have a PTSA at Smith M.S. this year! We are pleased to announce the following new roles:

PTSA President : Carrie Schoolmaster (schoolc5@yahoo.com / 313-938-3211)

PTSA Co-Vice Presidents Robbin Makled (Robbin.tenglin@gmail.com / 313-319-7199) & June Sullivan (Junesullivan12@yahoo.com)

PTSA Treasurer: Larry Niner (lniner@att.net / 313-530-8780)

PTSA Secretary Jennifer Fisher (jenn4relay@yahoo.com or jfisher@accesscommunity.org / 313-595-8567)

8th grade parent liaisons: Stacy Holland (ssholland76@gmail.com / 313-574-4534), Jennifer Fisher (jenn4relay@yahoo.com or jfisher@accesscommunity.org / 313-595-8567)

7th grade parent liaisons: Larry Niner (lniner@att.net / 313-530-8780), June Sullivan (Junesullivan12@yahoo.com), Jackie Jamgochian (jjamgochian13@yahoo.com / 313-530-5516)

6th grade parent liaisons: (tbd)

Be sure to follow these pages on Facebook for information and updates. Simply search Facebook for the following and then select “follow” – O.L. Smith Middle School & PTSA Information Page; 18-19 O.L. Smith 8th grade page; 2019/2020 O.L. Smith Parent Page; as well as subscribe to the OL Smith Daily announcements!