Below is a message from ACCESS regarding Dearborn SHINES…
Hello All,
It is bittersweet to say that our Dearborn SHINES program has come to an end! It was a great privilege working with all of you and I look forward to any future encounters that we may have with one another.
We need one last thing before our time together ends. Our grant for the Dearborn SHINES program has a survey that we need parents to complete. I know most schools have the Class Dojo app; if we can have the surveys sent to all parents through the app it would be highly appreciated. For any schools that communicate with parents differently, please let me know how we can ensure parents are receiving the survey link and how I can help!
The link to the survey is below. Also, an Arabic version is being completed for parents that do not read English. If you have any questions please do no hesitate to contact me.