O.L. Smith Middle School

Haunted Car Wash Fundraiser Needs YOU! A Message from Your PTSA

Signup Genius- Haunted Car Wash

Our PTSA Annual Haunted Car Wash will be held Friday, October 27 and Saturday October 28 at Westborn Car Wash,  25073 Michigan Avenue 7:00-10:00 pm.  This is such a fun event and our most significant fundraiser- we have raised over $11,000 for our school in past years!  Our event has also been featured by Dearborn Public Schools, local media and Channel 4 News even came out last year and featured us.  These all make our school look great!  We need lots of help to make this event successful.  Here are some ways you can help:


We need many volunteers to work the event.  For safety reasons, we do not want any middle school students working at the event unless they are accompanied by an adult also working the event who can supervise them, plus we would love as many of our students to come through in cars and experience the event .  Volunteers at the event must be high school age and older please.  

Please sign up as soon as possible so that we are able to ensure that we can run this event the two nights.  Please review the signup genius and seriously consider how you can help.  Even a few hours of your time helping decorate, working at the car wash taking money or dressing in costume and scaring event attendees, or helping clean up at the end will significantly help relieve the burden on the PTSA event organizers who are working so hard.  Our children will ALL share in the benefits of funds raised for the school.  Here is the SIGNUP GENIUS LINK: 



Amazon Wish List-  We have an amazon wish list for anyone with an amazon account looking to donate items or candy for treat bags.  The items purchased will ship directly to our PTSA.


Venmo-  Monetary donations allow us to purchase pizza, hot chocolate, coffee and other items to keep our volunteers happy!  Our venmo is @OLSmith-PTSA

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to Robbin Makled 313-319-7199