O.L. Smith Middle School

8th Grade Celebration!!

8th Grade Celebration- Parents, we need your help!

In a few short months, your child will be entering high school and beginning a new chapter in their educational journey! Congratulations to you and your 8th grader for making it through middle school and all of the challenges that it presents!

We would like to invite you to help us celebrate this achievement by lending a hand at the 8th grade carnival on June 4th from 1:00-3:00 at O.L. Smith Middle School. Your involvement makes the difference! Your PTSA does a wonderful job of creating a fun and entertaining event for our 8th graders but we can use some additional help for this event as we celebrate our outgoing 8th grade class. We will be taking a big group picture and having some fun activities and snacks!

See the attached signup genius and donation needs. We are also seeking monetary donations to help support the costs of the event! Venmo can be sent to @olsmith-ptsa and checks or cash can be delivered to the office.

Thank you!!!
