O.L. Smith Middle School

PTSA Flower Power Fundraiser

Please see the message below from the OL Smith PTSA:

PTSA FLOWER POWER Fundraiser- Order your Fall Bulbs Now For Spring Beauty


Our first PTSA fundraiser of the year- FLOWER POWER!  Order your Fall flower bulbs (Daffodils, Tulips, Allium, Crocus, Hyacinth, Irises, etc) and have them shipped directly to you for fall planting! (there is a small shipping fee)  Orders will begin shipping  mid September, starting with the coldest regions. The sale is online only. 

O.L. Smith PTSAolsmithptsa.fpfundraising.com

Send this link to friends and family, post on Facebook and other social media, and make sure they type your student’s name in the “Credit this sale to” line in the checkout.  Our top selling (sales $) student will win a $25 gift card to a restaurant of their choice.  These funds will be used to help fund the WEB leader program and important enrichment activities at our school! 

Help our school start the year off with a successful fundraiser to help our kids and the staff who support their learning!

Any questions, please contact Robbin Makled at 313-319-7199