O.L. Smith Middle School

M-STEP Testing Schedule 2016 & Tutorials

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Please find attached O.L. Smith’s M-STEP Testing Schedule. Testing windows are 3-weeks in duration and make-up days will be conducted during the last week of each testing window unless otherwise indicated. Testing sessions have been created in smaller chunks of time (60 minutes or less)to minimize testing fatigue. Students will be administered all tests in their regularly assigned subject area classrooms by their normally assigned teachers in an attempt to reduce any testing anxiety.  Special Education Students and English Language Learners will be tested according to their accommodations (if needed). DCMST students will be be given Math M-STEP Test during 3rd hour (10:51 – 11:49). The Math M-STEP will be administered by Dr. Elder in the Media Center. The performance task will be administered during 5th Math in Mrs. Demarais class. Students missing class for the performance task will receive make-up assignments from their teachers.

Testing Tutorials: https://assets.drcedirect.com/States/MI/Tutorials/Student/20160317/index.html

April 2016 Calendar M-Step (updated)

May 2016 Calendar M-STEP Testing Schedule (Updated)