O.L. Smith Middle School

Updates-upcoming events

Greetings Families,

As you know, semester two starts on Monday-which is a half day and students will have a shortened schedule.  Your son/daughter should have received their schedule last week.  Most students will have little or no change to their academic schedule.  Some changes were made to meet the academic needs of the student and to keep class sizes leveled.  Elective changes were based on course requests.  If your student has a question  or concern regarding their schedule, please encourage them to speak with Ms. Noland or Dr. Elder.

On a different note, the PTA Council will be holding a community forum on Monday, January 29th @ 6:00p.m. at Ten Eyck (ASC)to discuss the proposed boundary changes that will be taking place in our district. This is a forum held from the parents’ perspective. These are very important changes that are caused by the overcrowded issue in our schools. Many families will be effected when the board makes their decision. The Dearborn PTA Council asks that you be  part of the discussion so a community decision can be made for the benefit  of all our students.

Last but not least, WIDA testing will start February 5th and will continue until March 23rd. WIDA is a mandated state assessment for all English Language Learners. This test will assess students’ Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing Skills. If you have any questions about this, please see Ms. Hammoud-our ELD Specialist.

Thank you for your partnership and as always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns-about anything. My door is always open.

Your partner in education,

Zeina Jebril, Ed.S.

Principal of O.L.Smith Middle School