O.L. Smith Middle School
Daily Announcements
Friday, September 7, 2018
Lunch: Friday – Mac & Cheese
1) Attention 7th Graders: Would you like to take a Religious Journey around the worlds?
We are looking for six – 7th graders who are open to meet students from the
metro Detroit area and experience diversity. You will learn about culture, religion and faith traditions that unify us to become hopeful, loving human beings. It is an amazing experience that will stay with you for a long time.
If you are interested see Dr. Elder, in the counseling office.
2) The 7th Annual Cipriano Run will be held after school on Monday, October 15th
at Ford Field. The distance is two miles and there is a $3 participation fee.
If you are interested in participating, please see your Physical Education teacher
for an entrance form no later than October 10th.
3) Open House is Wednesday, Sept. 12th from 6pm-7:30pm. Parents and students are
encouraged to attend. This year we will be having an “open format” event which will
allow parents to freely move from one classroom to another without the need for a
regimented bell schedule. Next week, students will complete a sheet during A2 listing
their classes to take home to parents/guardians for the purpose of Open House visitations. The reserve side of the sheet will include a building map and a directory of teacher names and rooms.
4) Any student interested in Broadcast must attend a meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 11th after
school at the Broadcast Room.
5) The ACCESS after school program begins next Tuesday, Sept 11, 2018. The
first two weeks of the program will have a shortened schedule from 2:55pm
to 4:35pm, which will include Supper and Homework Help. Normal ACCESS program days and times will be Tuesday-Friday, 2:55-5:35 pm. Parents and
students can stop by the Media Center beginning next Tuesday, Sept. 11th from 3:30-5:00 pm to complete the registration form.
6) The Vikings Drama Club will have their first meeting September 20th from 3:05pm to
4: 30pm. Any student interested in joining the club should attend this first informational
meeting in the auditorium.
7) Friday, Sept. 14th – ½ day. Dismissal at 11:05.
8) Wednesday, Sept. 19th – Late Start. Students report to school at 8:50am. If you ride
the bus, you will report to your regular stop one hour later than your normal time.