O.L. Smith Middle School

Dearborn SHINES – Community Garden for Smith Middle School

Dearborn SHINES – Community Garden for Smith Middle School

O.L. Smith Middle School is proud to announce the schoolyard garden will be installed with the help of many partnerships including the University of Michigan Dearborn, Wayne State University, and we would like this partnership to include our wonderful Smith parents. The “Dearborn SHINES-Action Day” as we are calling it, will take place on Wednesday Oct. 3rd during the school day and should be expected to last throughout the entire day.  On the “Action Day”, the following activities will be coordinated by D-SHINES: Building of the vegetable and pollinator beds, building potting/work tables, building benches, planting trees/shrubs, filling beds with soil, and lining paths with mulch. Power tools will be supplied by U of M Dearborn. Volunteers will be needed from to help with this work, ideally 5 adults capable of helping assemble structures and moving soil/mulch. We encourage both parent and community volunteer participation to help direct students through the site. Experts will be there to show us how to bring this together but we need the man power.

There are so many benefits to this garden, not only to our students, but our Smith community as a whole. This will give our children the opportunity to connect to the food they eat everyday, encouraging them to develop healthier eating habits. Also, teachers can use it to conduct lessons pertaining to that field of study. Last but not least, it will bring our Smith community closer together which will benefit all of us.  For additional information or questions you may have, please email Mr. Abe Baiz at baizi@dearbornschools.org

Thank You!