O.L. Smith Middle School
Daily Announcements
Friday, September 28, 2018
1) Washington DC Trip 8th Grade Parent Meeting – Rescheduled to Tuesday, October 2nd
at 5:30pm in the auditorium. All 8th grade parents are encouraged to attend.
2) Permission slips to participate in the Dentists-R-Us services are due to the Main Office
no later thanTODAY. This dental program for students will provide services
at a reduced rate or free of charge. If more than 35 students participate in the program
there will be a drawing for an Android tablet so don’t wait, turn in your permission slip
3) Families who received the CEP survey are asked to fill it out completely, sign and
return it to the main office by October 1st. The State of Michigan has selected specific
Smith families to receive the CEP survey (Community Eligibility Provision) – not all
students will receive a survey. The CEP survey replaces the need for all families to fill out
the free lunch application. This survey will assist the district in compiling data essential
to receiving other State and Federal funds.
4) Student Council Elections will be held on today, September 28th. Good
Luck to all the students running for Student Council!