O.L. Smith Middle School

Maha Fayad



Positive Message Board: Stop by the Counseling office throughout the month of October to write a positive or motivational note for the bulletin board across from the Counseling office. There will be paper leaves and markers available. Make sure you write down your...

PBIS Cider and Donuts Celebration 🎉

PBIS Cider and Donuts Celebration 🎉

What a fun way to start our Monday morning!! All of our grades did an outstanding job of having planners when we did our random planner check last week. The Top 3 percentages from each grade received the award. In our case…All Grades All Classes !!! 6th grade had 100%...

Weekly Announcements

Our weekly announcements are always posted on our school website under the tab announcements. Parents and students will be able to stay informed about clubs, activities and upcoming sporting events as well as any important upcoming school events. Click on this link...


PBIS NEWS September Celebration:  Criteria:  Students with Planners.. Name on cover and inside back cover. Since planners are our best friend here at Smith, A random PLANNER CHECK will take place in any of your classes.. Be READY!! The class with the highest...

Food and Fun

Food and Fun

Lunch games have been rolled out this week. Students have the opportunity to eat and play games with their friends and interact with other classmates.

Picture Day Tomorrow 9/4/24

Picture day will take place tomorrow Wednesday 9/4/2024. Student Photos will be taken during Social Studies Period.  Make Ups will be November 7th. Get those Viking smiles ready 😊

Volleyball Tryouts

ATTENTION ALL 6th-8th grade girls VOLLEYBALL TRYOUTS When: Tuesday 8/27 @2:10-5:00pm JV & Varsity            Wednesday 8/28 @3:40-5:00pm JV & Varsity Where: O.L. Smith gym Bring: Water bottle, gym shoes ONLY, gym/comfy...

Open House Warm Welcome

Open House Warm Welcome

Thank you to all of the Viking families and students who came to Open House today. We enjoyed seeing all of you and can’t wait to start the school year with you . Looking forward to seeing you on – MONDAY, AUGUST 26TH 8:25am-11:30am

Celebrating Success

Celebrating Success

The last 3 weeks have been full of celebrations.  Taking time to celebrate students success and changed behavior was exciting.  Students anxiously awaited their names to be called as we raffled off big prices to recognize students who met one of 3...