O.L. Smith Middle School

Mark Rummel

The VIKING Week Ahead 5/6 – 5/10/2024

Greetings Vikings, What a wonderful introduction to May. We were very impressed with our students' strong effort in completing M-Step testing this week. Thank you for your efforts to get your students to school on time and prepared, just as you do in day-in and...

Dearborn Library Resources

Please take a look the resources, both academic and overall well-being , that the Dearborn Public Libraries have to offer: https://dearbornlibrary.org/middle-school-homework-help/ DPL-Brainfuse-and-Teen-Health-bookmarksDownload

The Viking Week Ahead 4/29 -5/3/2024

The Viking Week Ahead 4/29 -5/3/2024

Greetings Vikings! April Showers bring May flowers, and a lot is blooming our last FULL month of the year! First off, I must congratulate our students on a great week of M-Step testing. Their studious approach to the exams help show exactly what we know so we can...

FREE Summer Enrichment Program at OL Smith

Greetings Vikings, There is still time to sign up for the VIKING Summer Discovery and Enrichment Program. We will be keeping school skills sharp while making it fun. Please sign up if interested by following this LINK. If you have internet issues, contact our office...

Fridays Movie Night Postponed

Viking SEDSAC Movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been postponed. We will not be having the event this Friday, 4/26/2024. It will be rescheduled to a later date. Those who bought popcorn tickets can be refunded or hold onto their ticket for the later date.

OL Smith Green School Recognition

OL Smith Green School Recognition

Thank you to our Viking Garden Club for representing OL Smith at the Wayne County Green Schools recogition event. OL Smith had been designated a “Green School” since the label was created in the early 2000s. Special thank you to supervisors Dr. Elder and Ms “Science”...

Viking Soccer Triumph

Viking Soccer Triumph

Perfect day day for soccer! Girls battled hard but lost a heartbreaker. Boys topped the polar bears, 2-1! Way to go Vikings!