O.L. Smith Middle School

Mark Rummel

Repost: Parent Chaperones Needed!

Our Students Need YOUR Presence!  Please consider chaperoning on behalf of the students for a proposed Movie Day sponsored by the SEDSAC.  Fill out the short Survey HERE to express your interest Thank you, -OL Smith Superintendent's Executive Director Student Advisory...

Social Media and Teens

Social Media and Teens

Thank you to ACCESS for presenting to us on the very important topic of Social Media and Social Media as it Relates to Dating. So much information and applicanle tools to help teens and parents navigate the cyber-world! Access representative presents to the audience

Safety and Security Partnership

Safety and Security Partnership

We are so grateful for our strong partnership with the Dearborn Police Department. In addition to having our School Resource Officer, we have the luxury of the Dearborn Police doing regular walk throughs to stay familiar with our building and community. With one of...

The Viking WEEKS Ahead 3/25 – 4/10/2024

The Viking WEEKS Ahead 3/25 – 4/10/2024

Greetings Vikings, Looking outside you wouldn't know it, Spring Break is here! We capped off a fabulous week with a phenomenal PBIS Celebration-BINGO for Behaviors! A HUGE Thank you to our PBIS Committee and Mrs. Fayad for planning the celebration, as well as...

Special Message from Ms. Roxanne, Honorary Viking

Special Message from Ms. Roxanne, Honorary Viking

Smith celebrates Disability Awareness this Month with a beautiful showcase created by students. Smith also had a visit from a special young lady, Roxanne, living with blindness. She has become somewhat of a part-time resident of the OL Smith Community, speaking to our...

Parents: Smith SEDSAC Students Need Your Help!

Please see the request from the students below: Attention O.L Smith Families, We need parents to help out at a proposed O.L Smith Movie event on April 26th, 2024. If you can join us as a chaperone, please visit the main office to sign up. Your help will make sure we...