O.L. Smith Middle School

Mark Rummel

The Viking Week Ahead 1/16 – 1/19/2024

The Viking Week Ahead 1/16 – 1/19/2024

1/16-1/19 Greetings Vikings! Happy First Official Week of 2024! We are off and running to a great start to 2024 and the second semester.  Schedules should be finalized at this point and we are excited for this great semester to get rolling! Update on the...

Congratulations Viking Academic Games Champions!

Congratulations Viking Academic Games Champions!

The most powerful muscle is the mind and our Viking team showed their might, as district champs! Congratulations to OL Smith for taking home the district championship!    Congratulations to everyone who won both of his/her rounds this week! ...

Girls Basketball Tryouts

Girls Basketball Tryouts

On behalf of the Athletic Department, please see the following message: 6th & 7th grade girls basketball tryouts: When: Thursday 1/11 & Friday 1/12 Time: 3:40-4:40 8th grade girls basketball tryouts: When: Tuesday 1/16 & Wednesday 1/17 Time: Tuesday...

The Weeks Ahead, 1/8 -1/15/2024

Greetings Vikings, Happy New Year! Below for your convenience is a repost of the week ahead: The new semester will begin with a half day on January 8th. Students will have their schedules passed out in Advisory. Your weeks ahead are below: December 25th - January 5th:...

Happy New Year Vikings!

Happy New Year Vikings!

Greetings Vikings, In the final moments of 2023 we reflect on the year. In looking back, there are so many wonderful achievements to be proud of; Major successes for our teams and clubs (including several championships), Large Academic gains (view this year’s growth...

The Weeks Ahead, 1/8 -1/15/2024

Here we are the final moments of 2023. Our Vikings have had much to celebrate over the last year, dramatic increases in growth, championships, and building of meaningful relationships. Our first semester has come to a close and now is the time for reflection and rest....