O.L. Smith Middle School

Mark Rummel

Theatre Classes Learn ALL Aspects of the Art

Theatre Classes Learn ALL Aspects of the Art

Mr. Kelm and his Theatre Classes have certainly been busy creating: For the second quarter, our new theater class focuses on the world of technical theater: all of the design and backstage elements that goes into making a live show come to life. For this first week,...

Thank You to Our Veterans

Thank You to Our Veterans

THANK YOU Veterans! It was our honor and privilege to welcome OL Smith Community Veterans today. The National Junior Honor Society Student-Led event stressed the importance of recognizing those who came before us. Sacrificing their “todays” to assure us the freedom to...

OL Smith Book Fair is Here!

OL Smith Book Fair is Here!

The OL Smith PTSA has once again brought the Scholastic Book Fair to the Viking Media Center. Special thanks to Viking Parent, Ms. Dunlap and Media Specialist, Ms. Wilcox for leading the event and making it possible!

The Viking Week Ahead 11/11 -11/15/2024

The Viking Week Ahead 11/11 -11/15/2024

Greetings Vikings, Your Week Ahead, 11/11 - 11/15 We are looking forward to a great FULL week of November, and we have a lot of great things packed into it!  From Conferences to Athletics, there is much going on next week. Locker Clean out was today. Look for...

The Viking Week Ahead 11/11 -11/15/2024

PTSA and NJHS Team Up on Election Day

Your Viking Parent-Teacher-Student Association has partnered with the OL Smith National Junior Honors Society to bring baked goods to our voters! Toms Coffee has also joined up to quench thirsty voters all while bringing the proceeds to the students of OL Smith! Thank...

The Viking Week Ahead 11/4 – 11/8/2024

The Viking Week Ahead 11/4 – 11/8/2024

Greetings Vikings, Happy November, Vikings! Quarter 1 and October are behind us now, and our Vikings are moving full speed ahead into the second half of Semester 1. Parent Teacher Conferences will be Tuesday, November 12th from 2 - 8:00pm. Report Cards will be...