O.L. Smith Middle School

Mark Rummel

Lock Those Lockers Vikings!

Lock Those Lockers Vikings!

Friendly OL Smith Administration PSA: Lock 🔒 your lockers. It’s tempting to leave them ready go to the last number, but when you do you put your valuables at risk! We have not had one locker “broken into” that was truly locked. We love you feel so secure at Smith, but...

The Viking Week Ahead 10/28 -11/1/2024

The Viking Week Ahead 10/28 -11/1/2024

Greetings Vikings, Marking Period 1 ends today.  I trust all had a great start.  Students have been reflecting on how they progressed in meeting their goals for the school year so far.  We are excited to head into the second half of Semester 1, which will include...

Washington DC Trip, 2025

Greetings Viking 8th Grade Families, Please see the message on the Washington DC Trip from trip sponsor, Mr. Radcliffe: Attention 8th Grade Families: We originally had our parent meeting on September 11th.and we are trying to grow our Washington DC trip for May...

Guess the Teacher Contest

Guess the Teacher Contest

Your Affective Support Team reminds us that all of us went to school, but some of us decided to stay longer than others. Your Viking Staff is on display from their younger years, can you guess who they are today? Guess the staff member from their school / younger...

Viking Chess Club is Beginning in November

Please see the communication from the Chess Coaches: Viking Chess Club Viking Chess Club is starting at Smith!  First Chess club meeting will be November 6th, 2024 from 7 am to 7:55 am in the Media Center/Library. If you are interested in joining the club please...

Building Evacuation Drill Successful

Building Evacuation Drill Successful

Greetings Vikings, Our building wide evacuation was very successful. Our students were safely and orderly able to make it to our reunification site with the guidance of our team. Dearborn police response time was 70 seconds (1 minute, 10 seconds). We met all...

PTSA Bake Sale Election Night

PTSA Bake Sale Election Night

With us unable to do the car wash this year, THIS will likely be our biggest fundraiser of the year (which will help fund the 8th grade carnival and support or school throughout the year). We’ll need as much help as we can get! Whether you’re able to give us an hour...

Lady Vikings Victorious in Round One

Lady Vikings Victorious in Round One

Your Vikings battled cross town feeder track Stout in round one of the District Tournament. It was closely contested, but your Vikings came out on top! Next round is Wednesday on the road-team TBD Way to Go Vikings! Winning Pose Crowd is into it! “Ace” busy at...



Please see the information from the Athletic Department: Sideline Cheer Tryouts Come tryout for your Vikings Sideline Cheer team! When: Monday, October 28th & Tuesday, October 29th Times: 28th- 3:30-4:45 & 29th- 2:00-3:15 Where: Meet In Gym Hallway Note:...