O.L. Smith Middle School

Upcoming Events

Tutoring Begins Tomorrow!!

Tutoring Begins Tomorrow!!

Dear Smith Families, This is just a reminder that tutoring starts tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 5th.   Please make sure that your student brings their permission slip with them. Thank you, Zeina Jebril, Ed.S. Principal O.L.Smith Middle School (313)827-2804

PTSA Meeting

PTSA Meeting

Dear Families, The PTSA meeting has been postponed until Dec 19th, due to a schedule conflict.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Virginia Adam:  vaadam123@gmail.com

Extended Day Program

Extended Day Program

Greetings Parents, Beginning December 5th, students who earned a Failing Grade (E) in any core subject need to attend the Smith Extended Day Program. The Program runs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 3:05-4:05 pm. Students required to attend will receive a Blue...

O.L. Smith T-Shirt Orders

Dear Parents and Students, We are happy to announce that the T-Shirt orders have been extended until December 1st.  Orders must be turned in by this Friday to A2 teachers (advisory class in the morning). I am attaching the shirt order form for your convenience:  Smith...